Earlier this year, we had the opportunity to speak with up-and-coming indie rock artist Zach Brandon. He released his debut single, “Top of the Hill” in late February.

With honest lyrics and a genuine, personal connection to his music, it’s clear just how passionate Zach Brandon is when it comes to his craft. Check out our Q&A with him below to learn a bit more about his music, and this next chapter for him.

Who would you say were your biggest influences on this track/EP?

My biggest influences are John Mayer and the Eagles. John Mayer is a great musician so listening to him growing up, I fell in love with the way he is able to create these intricate yet subtle guitar parts and the way he uses plays-on-words in his lyrics.

The Eagles influence on me has been their big harmonies and the feel of their organic recordings.

What is your favorite lyric on this EP and why?

My favorite lyric is in the song “Dear Dad”: I can see in the way that things move that no one can outrun this / no, not even you. The song is wondering about my seemingly invincible Dad and how I could ever face the world without him. This line is the moment in the song where I explicitly address the truth of mortality: that not even the strongest person I know can outrun nature.

What was the hardest part of creating this project?

I had to let go of a lot of musical parts I wrote during the recording process because a song can potentially go in many different directions, but it’s important to maintain the song’s “big picture”, no matter how much you love one specific part or another.

Not only is chasing your dreams hard, but life itself can leave you doubting yourself. You said that you wrote this song as a reminder to keep going when you feel these pressures. What is one thing that you want the listener to take away from this song?

The one thing that I’d like the listener to take away from this song is: Always believe in yourself, and don’t stop going for whatever your aspirations are.

What was the first artist that you felt really understood you?

James Taylor because of his ability as an artist to say more by saying less. I strive to create music that incorporates that simplicity with that raw honesty.

What are you most excited for in the next chapter of your life, once this song comes out?

To be able to get out there, connect with people, and share my music. I hope that people can find shelter in the things I write about. 

You can stream “Top of the Hill” below.

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