KC Blackwater: In Conversation With Tallulah Allen

The whole concept of KC Blackwater as a project is that I was just getting to the point where I was getting so angry and frustrated and annoyed at so many things that it was trying to make me kind of giggle a bit. Like that kind of post-anger laughter where it’s that little bit deranged. And like I said, I wanted to kind of put that essence into audio form. So that’s why the guitars sound so crazy and scratchy and chicken scratch kind of thing. And I wanted the bass lines to sound big and imposing, but in a slightly comedic way.

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One Year Of The Death Of Peace Of Mind

Getting a chance to see them live would make anyone understand why their touring schedule and related achievements are so extensive. Not only does each member do an outstanding job and really show off their abilities every night, but the songs from TDOPOM shine in a live setting. Each one is intricate and dynamic, making it interesting to watch and fun to sing along to. The band has put in distinct effort to ensure the live performance is truly a show and songs off the record like “ARTIFICIAL SUICIDE” and “IDWT$” add a specific nuance and style that elevates the performance.

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It’s Just A Stage They’re Going Through: Punk Rock Factory Continues To Smash Expectations

We want it to be as true to the original as possible, but as different to the original as we could possibly make it. For example, in “How Far I’ll Go” from Moana, there’s a woodwind part in the chorus. It was just a little run of it at some point and our guitarist picked that out and he made like an entire riff around that part of the song. There’s only a tiny bit and most people wouldn’t even notice it’s there. Inour version, it’s there and it’s up front and center in the chorus. We’ll try and pick parts out and build on them.

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Industry Spotlight: Alana Lopez

Some days especially when touring, it gets very difficult to get into a creative headspace. When it’s more difficult I just try my best to go out there and do something different. Being around people I like who play music that they love makes it so much easier for me to do my job. My biggest motivator is just being around people who are also doing what they love.

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