Photo by Sanjay Parikh.

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, we face a need for Personal Protective Equipment. Multi-Platinum rock band Shinedown has partnered with Direct Relief. Direct Relief is a non profit aid that is helping to provide PPE and medical essentials to our health care workers.

Shine Down has released a never-before-heard song “Atlas Falls”. The song is available to download with the purchase of a T shirt. 100% of the proceeds will go to Direct Relief.

“I have always said and believe to be true that music can heal us all. We need music, and each other, now more than ever as we all are witnessing a global pandemic unlike anything we have ever seen in many generations. Myself, Barry, Zach, Eric, and our Shinedown family want the entire world to know that we are in this together, and we must all do our part and continue to encourage love, respect and taking care of each other,” says Shinedown frontman, Brent Smith. “Now is the time to put our differences aside so that we can truly lift each other up. We have partnered with an incredible organization Direct Relief who are doing important work globally to help the medical community receive the resources they need in order to save lives. Years ago during the writing and recording of the Amaryllis album there was a song that meant a great deal to me and the band titled “Atlas Falls.” Although the song did not make the album, I always felt that one day the world would hear it…It has never been more clear to me than right now that the time has come for ‘Atlas Falls’ to arrive.”

It is amazing to see artists come out of this after facing cancelled tour dates and special shows, and want to help give back. All of this is followed after the $20,000 donation Sinedown has given to Direct Relief. 

Follow the link below to purchase the t-shirt, and check out a teaser for “Atlas Falls”. You can also take a look at how Direct Relief is responding to the pandemic.


Direct Relief Info


  • Kirsten Hyman

    Kirsten is located in Augusta, GA. She manages Ascribe’s social media, and loves discovering new music. In her spare time she likes to bake and post videos of her cats.

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