The Ghost Club – a two man band from Pittsburg, Pennsylvania  – recently released their newest single “Isolated”.

Straight from the gate the song has a haunting melody that can be found in coming of age films and summertime road trip playlist. Which is why it’s already safe to say that “Isolated” is a song that will be easily lovable to both new and current fans alike. 

However, I’d like to dive into artistic choices and lyrical meaning in the song that elevates it from the song you remember from a movie credit scene, to the song and band that you recommend to people trying to break into the Alternative Pop music scene. 

First, I know I already related the band’s sound to that of a coming of age movie. But the reason why I say that is because the combination of Domenic Dunegan’s vocals and Kevin Corcoran’s steady percussion, mixed with the keyboard, creates a timeless – but nostalgic – sound. It also, dare I say, holds a haunting emotion that Blink-182’s “I Miss You” was crafted around, in a more mature and modern way. The sound of the song pulls the listener into a hypnotic state that somehow lays the groundwork to simulate the very same isolation that Domenic [Duegan] sings about. 

Pivoting to the lyrics however, I cannot stress enough how the lyrics are not only well crafted, but also very relevant for the present. From the conflicting emotions of despair, relief through dissociation, and anxiety it’s a song that echoes emotions that are common to current society. And while the song is very much about the mental struggles that one goes through, it currently can be shifted in a way that makes it a song that everyone can find some self-truth to. 

The Ghost Club, if they continue in this direction – if not musically, then artistically and lyrically – will have a bright future in the alternative pop scene. 

You can stream the track and check out the music video below.

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