Photo by Holly Turner.

Alternative rock band VISTA are back and better than ever. Their upcoming EP The Ruins releases on October 25th, and showcases a clear evolution in their sound. Having not released anything since 2017, VISTA’s revival has been long awaited.

We had the opportunity to chat with the band, and discuss what this new chapter has in store.

Could you give our readers a quick introduction? (who you are, your role in the band, a little bit about you).

Hope: “I’m Hope, and I’m the lead vocalist of VISTA. I love the Backstreet Boys, only wear the color black, and eat frozen peas regularly.” 

Greg: “Hi all. I’m Greg. I’m the guitarist of VISTA. I also produce and play a few other instruments, love Taco Bell, and worship Cary Rae Jepsen.”

Where are you guys from, and how long have you been a band?

VISTA: “We’re based on Long Island in New York, and formed in late 2015. Greg joined the band in September 2016.”

What inspired you guys to form VISTA?

Greg: “Honestly, we both knew we wanted to be in a serious band, it was just a matter of time until we found each other. It was a beautiful thing that evolved the more we did it. I’m glad I sent Hope that first facebook message!”

“The Ruins” is going to be the first in a trilogy of EPs; what can we expect from this trilogy?

Hope: “To be totally honest, we aren’t 100% sure yet. The remaining two EPs, The Repair and The Revival aren’t written and recorded yet. I think the other two EPs are definitely going to take shape based on what happens with The Ruins. Listeners can definitely expect to hear everything laid out on the table. There are two years of stories and experiences for us to fill in across a span of three records. I think that The Ruins runs incredibly deep, most of the songs delve into a multitude of rather personal, dark topics; I’m hoping that we can strike the same chord with the remaining two EPs.”

Greg: “Perfectly said. We know the guidelines we want to follow, and some sonic decisions and directions we want to head towards, but not exactly sure of the execution yet. It’s kind of scary and kind of fun. Hopefully we come out on the other side with an amazing product!”

Why release a trilogy of EPs? It’s a unique concept we haven’t seen before.

Hope: “We have a lot of holes to fill in. The Ruins lyrically picks up where life left off after we released Long Live. By the time the third EP comes around, it’ll be based around where we are now mentally. Having three EPs allows us the opportunity to tell all of the stories we need to tell, and leave no question unanswered. It didn’t make sense to release a full length; each EP is going to be based on a different headspace, so to speak. The Ruins was written about a time of darkness, hopelessness; it’s very sad and lyrically raw.” 

Greg: “Appreciate the compliment. These were important stories to tell separately and I think this was the best way to do so. Yes, they are in the same era, but different episodes with different feels so it felt right to split them up.”

You’re releasing a documentary later this year; what can we expect from that?

Hope: “Yes! It’s coming a lot sooner than you think. We’ll be talking more about that very soon. That was a decision made from the get go. We knew that with a trilogy, we had to fill in a lot of gaps. We’re doing that within the records, but creating a documentary was a good extra supplement. It’ll talk a lot about why we haven’t released a record since 2017, and what has happened within the band since we finished up the Bloodlust Tour last summer. It’s not a happy kind of thing; we’re going to be delving into some topics that were uncomfortable to speak about, but important to address. The process has been cathartic.”

Greg: “It’s really odd, because I’ve never been a part of that sort of thing. I usually only post stuff unless it’s super positive, but we definitely need to shed light on what’s been going on in VISTA. And it’s not all pretty.”

What do you hope this trilogy of EPs will have in store for the band?

Greg: “The concept of hope is a peculiar thing. Obviously I want us to grow and for good things to come to us, but I feel like you have to stray a fine line between having a goal and hoping for something. We definitely have goals of being on bigger tours and showing our music to more people who’ve never heard.”

Hope: “All I can hope for is that it brings us new listeners, and that our listeners now can hear and enjoy the evolution. We’re hoping that these records also bring us some new touring opportunities, and new opportunities in general. We’re throwing everything we have left in our bodies into The Trilogy era.”

What was it like coming back to the studio to record new music?

Hope: “Nerve wracking and uncomfortable, to be honest. On my end, at least. Greg was definitely more optimistic than me. I went in with a huge wall up, and had to work to put pieces of it down one by one. We had a conversation about the possibility of it not working, which was both heart-wrenching and filled with anxiety.”

Greg: “Understandably so. However, I’m a firm believer that the energy you put in is the energy you get, so I just put good energy throughout the process as best I could.”

You guys have completed quite a few tours in the time since your last release. If you could pick anyone to tour with right now, who would it be?

Greg: “Fall Out Boy? Bring Me The Horizon? PVRIS? Why not!”

Hope: “All of the above. Waterparks would be cool. A full tour with Set It Off, too. Issues. One OK Rock.”

Do you guys have a favorite song right now?

Hope: “‘Graveyard’ by Halsey. It punches me in the gut and I looooove that. “

Greg: “Probably any song on the new Issues record. They’re all so good.”

What do you hope fans will take away from this specific EP, but also the EP trilogy as a whole?

Greg: “It’s kind of a fucked up Cinderella story of VISTA. I just want them to see what we’ve gone through to be here by the end of it.”

Hope: “I just really want listeners to see a full picture. I want listeners to see the ruins, the repair, and the revival, and recognize the differences between all three. Hear our hearts in the music. Feel the depths of the emotions in each EP.”

Cover art by Holly Turner.

Fans have been waiting for VISTA’s return for two years, and it’s finally right around the corner. You can stream, pre-save, and pre-order The Ruins here.


  • Caitlyn McGonigal

    Caitlyn is Ascribe's founder and Editor-in-Chief. She is a graduate of Drexel University, and is currently located in Orlando where she works as a music photographer locally. She can be found at her local indie show or streaming on Twitch.

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