Not too long ago, The Standby released Over, Under. This will be my first time listening to The Standby so this review will be 100% honest and unbiased. 

Track One: “I Saw What You Did”

The title alone intrigued me because I wasn’t sure of what to expect. The song gave me major Boston Manor and Linkin Park vibes. The first minute of the track built up anticipation in me to see where the song was going. The chorus immediately caught my attention, and made me think of how much fun this song would be to hear live one day. 

Track Two: “Drawing Out the Hurt”

Two seconds into the song I was ready to start a one-man mosh pit in my bedroom. Once again, I was feeling some Boston Manor vibes in this song. The song was fast-paced, bringing up the energy along with it, which made it all-around enjoyable to listen to the song. 

Track Three: “Hemlock”

The song caught my attention right away with the lyrics “Getting really good at pushing you away.” I feel like I relate to those lyrics, and a lot of others might as well. You can feel the emotions of the lyrics come through, which makes the song more powerful as a whole. 

Track Four: “Broca”

This is definitely one of my favorites off the album. This is one of the more slow-paced songs compared to the others, but it’s amazing nonetheless. The music itself is soothing and calming, but the lyrics cut deep. It’s an all-around beautiful song. 

Track Five: “Sleepwalk Dance”

In the beginning, I wondering what type of song this was going to be. I wasn’t sure if it was going to be similar to “Drawing Out the Hurt” or if it was going to be more like “Broca”. This song is definitely one you could start a wall of death to. The rhythm, the lyrics, and everything about this song is some of the best I’ve heard in a while. 

Track Six: “Wintersun”

This song is sort of a combination of “Broca” and “I Saw What You Did”. With the perfect balance of both, the song meshed these two sounds together amazingly.

Track Seven: “Constant Nausea”

This song brings the whole album together. This is one of my favorites off the album as well. There’s just something about it that drew me in. From right when it started I instantly connected with the track. It awoke a certain feeling inside of me, and that feeling made this song easily one of my favorites. 

Going into this album I had no idea what to expect, but any expectations I had were met and surpassed by a long shot. I can definitely say I am now a fan of The Standby’s music, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for them.

When asked about what this release means to them, The Standby says: “Over, Under is a snapshot of who are right now, and everything we’ve been working towards. Everything on this record is deliberate, and we couldn’t be more proud.”

You can stream Over, Under here.


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