NYC artist Stefan Alexander released his sophomore EP, Cry Again. This EP features a collection of tracks that Stefan wrote over 5 years while he spends his 20s in pain and recovery from his diagnosis with Central Sensitization Syndrome. This EP faces the aftermath of his diagnosis and how he gets back in touch with his emotions that he had since kept bottled.

Follow us Track by Track as we follow through his journey ourselves:

The first song we are taking a dive into is the title track. ”Cry Again” is about Stefan’s own emotional recovery he made after his physical one.Despite its title and description this song is a dance track if I have ever heard one. This song feels like a celebration to ones self after going through something tough.I especially enjoyed the fast paced beat that accompanies his vocals.

“Photograph” is our next track. This song feels like a feel good, hazy dream. You can close your eyes and feel this song deep within your soul with the calming vocals and deep track.The simplicity of the snapping in the song matches so well that it makes it so incredibly catchy. A song about dating apps and how they lead to empty promises in theory should be sad and filled with remorse but this does not.

The next track we hear is “Up and Away” and it is a song that was written to remind himself that he has power even as an individual.”Up and Away” is a song that is so enticing. It would be so simple to dance and scream the lyrics to this song.  This is a track that belongs on every radio station at this exact moment.

“Signs” is the final song on Stefan’s EP. This song is about his difficulty as a young gay person. A way of expressing about how he does not want to be a part of the fast paced, late night culture and how he wants to find someone who wants to move at the same speed as himself. The beat that is placed in this song makes this such an entrancing dance track. I love this song’s message and how well he betrays it in the lyrics.

Stefan Alexander is an entrancing vocalist as well as an astounding writer. The messages he can tell in his songs makes him one to watch.


  • Kirsten Hyman

    Kirsten is located in Augusta, GA. She manages Ascribe’s social media, and loves discovering new music. In her spare time she likes to bake and post videos of her cats.

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