To never have listened to PVRIS feels like a sin among my friends.

They recently dropped their return EP Hallucinations on October 25th, 2019.

“Hallucinations” being the first song I heard was amazing, and had me hooked onto this EP from the beginning. Lynn Gunn has a beautiful, hypnotic voice. I found myself closing my eyes to just shut out everything else, and really enjoy this song to the fullest. The synth-pop instrumental compliments her voice and leads to a song that is so catchy in its nature.

As I slipped into the next song, “Nightmare”, I found myself trying to compare it to the first. It was beautiful and passed my expectations for it. I could not help myself from dancing along to it. It was compelling in that way.

“Death Of Me” could not be more of a fun song to listen to. It’s fun regardless of the lyrical intentions. I could see myself resisting the urge to dance so I could focus. With every part of this song being beautiful and pleasing, it perfectly finds its way onto my road trip playlist.

“Things Are Better” is an enchanting song. Lynn Gunn’s voice is paired perfectly with the instrumentals. This song feels simple and delicate to me, which makes it even more engaging. The true stand-out element of this song is the beautiful voice conveying her message to you.

As the last song for me to hear, I expected it to not live up the rest. That being said, I am sorry “Old Wounds”; I was wrong in that expectation, because it has easily become my favorite song on this EP. It is simple in its delivery in the beginning, and as it picks up I feel myself finding it more amazing than the last. The message in this song is so intentional and powerful. This is a song that deserves to be heard.

This EP has passed every one of my expectations. The synth-pop instrumental pairs so well with an enchanting voice given to you by Lynn Gunn herself. PVRIS released a perfect EP that has raised my expectations for the genre. I look forward to what they do next.

You can stream Hallucinations below.


  • Kirsten Hyman

    Kirsten is located in Augusta, GA. She manages Ascribe’s social media, and loves discovering new music. In her spare time she likes to bake and post videos of her cats.

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