With almost three years passing since their previous release, a near-fatal tour bus crash, and the ongoing pandemic delaying the release date, Pale Waves are back with their most recent album titled Who Am I?, released on February 12th. Overall, the album discusses themes of self-discovery and acceptance within the themes of sexuality, depression, and break-ups.
Track 1: Change
The album opens with “Change,” the lead single off the album. I am in love with this track, from the instrumentation and relatable lyrics to vocalist Heather Baron-Gracies’s powerful voice. The early 2000’s Avril Lavigne-type influences are apparently within the track but still uniquely their own. Filled with emotional lyricism and powerful vocals, “Change” sets the tone for the rest of the album.
Track 2: Fall To Pieces
“Fall to Pieces” is all about relationships and getting stuck in a cycle of disagreements and then making up and asking yourself how long until the relationship “falls to pieces” and when it will break apart and end but also not wanting it to end. Towards the end of the track, Baron-Gracie begs “Can we fix it and make it right? You’re the best part of my life.” “Fall To Pieces” was the third and final single to be released ahead of the album’s release.
Track 3: She’s My Religion
Discussing “She’s My Religion,” vocalist Heather Baron-Gracie opened up on Twitter stating, “She’s My Religion isn’t the standard or typical love song. Society depicts the dark sides to a person as unlovable and tends to only focus on the positive sides.” With lyrics like “she’s cold, she’s dark, she’s cynical, she’s forever angry at the world, she’s now in jail, but she is my religion,” the group dives deep into that dark side of a person as still being a positive thing and still worthy of love. Baron-Gracie was also more open and personal on this track for the first time, opening up more about her own sexuality. Stating further in her statement on Twitter, “I wanted to write a song that used pronouns because for so many years I didn’t in my music, and now I realize how important that is to normalize LGBTQ relationships in a world that needs it.”
Track 4: Easy
Easy is a synth-pop anthem all about the love for their partner. This song has a feel-good vibe to it. Baron-Gracie’s incredible vocals are ever-present throughout. “I look at you, and I feel alive, you save me every time.” The track is all about their love for their partner and how they make them feel, and how easy it is to love them.
Track 5: Wish U Were Here
“Wish U Were Here” was a really great track. It features a lively pop sound. I enjoyed the parts throughout that featured in the very beginning and towards the middle that was almost like spoken word instead of sung. This song is all about missing that person you love so dearly and is a sentiment we can all relate to.
Track 6: Tomorrow
This track came right out of the gate with a fast, upbeat pop tone. “Tomorrow” is my favorite track off the album. It has such a fun and joyful sound. Baron-Gracie powerfully sings, “Tomorrow, won’t you stay alive? Give it one more try – won’t you stay alive?” in the blossoming chorus. It is almost a shoutout to all of the kids growing up in small, conservative, less accepting places that it’s going to be ok.
Track 7: You Don’t Own Me
“You Don’t Own Me,” a fast, upbeat feminist anthem all about society’s expectations and breaking free from what people think you should be, saying that you don’t own us and we will do what we want. Lyrics like “I’d rather pull out my teeth than be who you want me to be” make it clear they aren’t going to subscribe to what society says they should be.
Track 8: I Just Needed You
“I Just Needed You” is such a needed track in today’s society. We live in such a materialistic world, but you don’t need those things to be happy deep down.
Baron-Gracie gets honest as she admits to how she thought fame would give her everything, but all she really needed was the person she loves.
Track 9: Odd Ones Out
Nearing towards the end of the album, they take a turning sound-wise; it is an acoustic more of a ballad track. “Let’s be the odd ones out this time” is Baron-Gracies LGBTQ love story as she proudly proclaims, “we’re only human.” This track shows it’s ok to be who you are even if it’s different from the norm.
Track 10: Run To
“Run To” is a fast-paced pop-rock track all about that one person who you can go to for anything, the one who is really your person. This song covers a more profound topic of mental health blatantly, stating, “Hey, life is going well except my mental health.” “Run To” is also the last track on the album that features the more upbeat rock sound.
Track 11: Who Am I?
Who Am I? is an emotional ballad that ties the whole theme of the album together perfectly and where Baron-Gracie gets the most raw and honest. “Does anybody know how do I live a life where I don’t feel this low?” She calls out for help to find a way to combat these emotions. This track stands out the most musically as it is the most stripped back, featuring only acoustic guitar and piano. It dives deep into the topic of self-discovery and what you are supposed to do or say.
Pales Waves are a force to be reckoned with on Who Am I? This album has started a new era for their band. Who Am I? takes you on an emotional and notable journey and is an overall fantastic album. You can stream it below.