Up and coming synth-pop duo, Magdalena Bay released their latest EP, titled A Little Rhythm and a Wicked Feeling, on March 13th via Luminelle Recordings. The LA-based duo, consisting of singer Mica Tenenbaum and producer Matthew Lewin, began making music together as Magdalena Bay in 2016, and have quickly been making waves with their mix of an infectious blend of retro’ 90s-style dance-pop and wide-eyed, modern dream-pop. I had never heard of this group and this genre was very new to me, so it was really interesting to dive into and listen to this album. 

Track 1: “How To Get Physical

The track starts with soft synthy piano notes before quickly going into an upbeat pop sound with steady bass rhythms and poppy dance beats moving the track. This duo as a whole, but this track especially is very reminiscent of early 2000’s pop. This song is definitely some made to move and dance to. The track was also accompanied by a music video to tie with the track. Similar to other videos made by the group, the clip for “How to Get Physical” features plenty of dazzling green screen visuals, neat old-school graphic overlays, eye-popping colors, and VHS-style aesthetics – in addition to Tenenbaum and Lewin dancing throughout.  

Track 2: “Story” 

Following up, we have the groovy upbeat track “Story.” I loved this track a lot; it has a commanding heavy beat and is fun to move to. It reminds me a lot of some of the top pop tracks today. While it’s a more typical pop track you hear a lot on the radio, that’s okay – being similar to other artists or songs isn’t always a bad thing. It is a very enjoyable track to listen to, and I could easily see them rising the charts and getting big off of this track.

Track 3: “Good Intentions

“Good Intentions” is a track that the group has described as a “crying in the club” type of song. This a very upbeat club track comprising of heavy bass beats mixed with moments of soft pop. With the lyric “these pieces in my brain, reflections etched in blame, oh no, it’s ok, All along we had good intentions” the track seems to have a focus on past relationships and the emotions of it to eventual acceptance. 

Track 4: “Airplane

Halfway through the album, we come to the group’s latest single “Airplane.” “Airplane” starts with a slow synth beat as it builds up into a full electro-pop bop. It is just a fun track to listen too. The synth, electro-pop beat makes you want to move. This is a track I could see myself bopping to as I drive down the road on a summer night. “Airplane” is about the heartbreak of leaving someone behind as your life takes off like an airplane. The duo strives to make music that you can dance to but with a somber undertone, that creates a unique Pop sound with some depth. 

Track 5: “Venice

Venice seems to be a fan favorite from the tracks released from this album thus far, and I would have to agree with the fans. It starts in with a more urban hip hop vibe to it. The track released along with an accompanying video has a steady, laid back beat accompanied by Tenenbaum’s bright vocals. The track discusses what might happen when the apocalypse strikes and that we might as well live in the moment because we never know what is going to happen in the future or when. 

Track 6: “Killshot

“Killshot” is a much different track from some of the others. I really enjoyed this track a lot because it stood out more from the rest. I get a much more 70’s or 80’s disco and techno vibe from the beat of the song, with a little bit of pop and hip hop vibes sprinkled in. “Killshot” is a dancy track about the ending of a relationship. 

Track 7: “Stop & Go

Nearing the end of the EP, we come to the song “Stop & Go.” “Stop & Go” is a fast-paced electro-pop track. I didn’t pull much of anything incredibly special out of this particular track that I hadn’t already heard it on previous tracks. However, just like the other tracks, I still really enjoyed the fun, fast-paced beat, it is something you can dance to, and I can picture it quickly hitting top radio.

Track 8: “Oh Hell

Rounding out the album, we get to “Oh Hell.” The song starts with a hip hop beat. Immediately going with Tenenbaum’s shining voice and a more pop sound with hip hop, electronic beats appearing again throughout that I enjoyed. “Oh Hell” is a track all about young love and the ups and downs that go along with it; it’s very relatable we all go through it at some point or another.  

A Little Rhythm and a Wicked Feeling is a fun, upbeat glitter pop album that fans are sure to love. Magdalena Bay is super talented, and I see some of these tracks quickly hitting the charts.

You can stream the EP below.


  • TJ Hayes

    TJ is a writer based in the South Suburbs of Chicago. They live for concerts, and you can always find them at a local music venue catching a show.

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