Electropop duo FRENSHIP has released a reimagined EP of songs from their 2019 album, Vacation. Their sound consists of soft pop synths and euphoric beats, and is a very easy and soothing listen. The vocals are clean and smooth, and the soft instrumentals make for an all around pop synth sound.

  1. Keep You Close (Vacation Version)”: The soft chorus of humming at the very beginning of the song immediately sets a calm and relaxing tone, while the lyrics suggest a more somber tone. The two different tones mix perfectly and creates an interesting contrast within the track. It tells the story of an individual recovering from a struggling relationship. The narrator relays how while they still love their partner, they should be apart and that the other should be with someone else who could make them happier, someone who is healthier for them. It’s a very raw and real track and something a lot of people could relate to. The original is less raw and has more of a synth pop feel than the vacation version, as it doesn’t have the same chorus of voices and acoustic feel. 
  2. Remind You (Vacation Version)”: Another more acoustic take than it’s original, however a still pretty upbeat track, the second track on this EP is something more positive than the previous. The track talks about the doubt that the narrator’s partner has that they will love them forever. They ask questions such as, “When the years add up and my hair falls out, will you stick around?”, and the narrator simply replies, “Let me remind you/if you don’t know what I’m feeling/already decided/I could do this everyday.” For most couples, this is a very real and present question that is present in their relationship. The overall tone of the song is wistful and something calm. The flow is smooth and consistent and enjoyable, and the instrumentals work well with the overall tone of the song. Again, more acoustic than it’s synth pop predecessor.
  3. Wanted A Name (Vacation Version)”: This was probably my personal favorite off of the EP. The very basic and quiet instrumentals paired wonderfully with the vocals, and it made it seem to pop against the quiet instrumentals. It has more of a synth feeling than the rest of the EP, but still maintains the acoustic feel that makes it differ than the original track. The narrator talks about personal struggles, such as struggling with change and wanting their partner to love them like they used to. They also describe taking the blame for all of the faults within their relationship, claiming they’ll claim it all as their fault no matter what. 
  4. Wide Open (Vacation Version)”: I loved the instrumentals the most on this track. The soft piano track in the background accented the lower vocals and made it all come together. The vocals on the chorus added a flair not previously seen on the EP, and I appreciated being able to hear the vocal range of the vocalist. He effortlessly slides between notes, and you can really appreciate his talent. The song made me feel like I was driving on a highway at 2 AM with the windows down, and it gave me a very calm and nostalgic feeling. It describes being able to cut ties from a relationship and being able to pick up right where they left off at a later date like nothing had ever even happened between them. It describes the vulnerability that comes with that and how it’s safe for their partner to do so. “Love would let you leave/So I’ll give you the space you need,” is a particularly memorable lyric, and something that is relatable to almost anyone struggling in a relationship like that. Overall, I loved this song and thought it was actually better than the original.

Overall, the concept of the EP was wonderfully executed, and the reimagined versions of already great tracks were a unique and more acoustic take on said tracks. You can stream Vacation Versions below.


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