
Who Is Sleep Token? & Why It’s Not Your Business

The group has made nothing but purposeful and thought provoking choices in their aesthetics, which all build off of one another and feel truthful to the band’s overall artistic vision.

All of this album cycle’s art is moody and pulls you in, tending to stick to blood red and sepia tones, but
compliment the eyecatching blue of 2021’s This Place Will Become Your Tomb. It all has purpose. So, it’s no surprise that the group has stayed committed to keeping themselves anonymous.

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Dive Into This Is Why

This Is Why is the hard-hitting introspective album that is about how the band feels at this point in their life. It is amazing to me that Paramore has always taken these important matters and lyricism and combine them with beautiful instruments, in addition to Hayley’s incredible voice, to make these songs that really stand out.

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Review: Picturesque – “Hopeless”

What’s incredible about Picturesque is that they do not confirm themselves
to just one genre. While talking about the band, lead singer Kyle Hollis
says, “Quite frankly, I don’t care if people call us a rock band or not. The
genre of the songs we make doesn’t matter to us; in fact, I’d go as far as to
say they’re genreless––nothing we write is formed in the traditional way. If
something works, we roll with it, and that makes the music abstract, off the
wall and, more than anything, exciting.”

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