Breaking Down The Universe of “Datura”: A Conversation With Henry Cox of Boston Manor

Boston Manor are no strangers to all the meticulous pieces included in writing and recording an album. They’ve been doing it for years (since 2014, in fact) and have consciously put out solid records. 

Maybe that’s why they find themselves changing up the formula time and time again and try something different. Or maybe, it comes from a place of awareness that the scene is changing and music is more than just songs now.

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The Genius of Honey Revenge, & Why They Deserve All The Buzz

You know, I have been so involved and I think I’m lucky. I can never go to a show without running into someone I know because I’m so entrenched in it. I’m have mixed feelings about it too, because LA could definitely have a stronger local scene. It’s very pop-forward, which is awesome, but there’s not as much of an underground rock scene.

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