After a turbulent rainstorm, two arching rainbows beamed over Philadelphia skies on the last day of pride month 2024. It was a colorful remark that could only be placed as the universe celebrating queer history in the making. Pink-clad and diamond studded fans poured into the Fillmore in a flurry of anticipation. Music pounded through speakers as local go-go dancers hyped up the crowd for Trixie Mattel’s anxiously awaited arrival to the stage. Dancing hearts out under flashing stage lights, they put on an entirely exciting show of their own. 

As the night grew later and the sky much darker, the well-loved Trixie Mattel took over DJing and only continued the build off the incredibly high energy of the room. Tracks flowed seamlessly in a heart-pounding rhythm as the entire crowd flowed in movement, to a beat so flawless it could make a grown man cry, Trixie Mattel surpassed all expectations of beauty and camp realness. She carried herself with such an air of confidence and the smile she flashed the crowd was so infectious that it was worn all around the room. It was the most perfect atmosphere of fluorescent love and a celebration of gay culture all within a show. Closing out Solid Pink Disco’s tour for the duration of the summer and foreseeable future, that night put a perfect pink bow on the escapades and antics of pride month.


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