On May 5th, the Canadian pop-punk band, Seaway stopped by Chicago’s Subterranean on their ‘Fresh Produce’ tour. The tour was in support of the band’s 4th album Fresh Produce, which dropped on the 19th of April. Alongside Seaway, we had Young Culture, Heart Attack Man, and Free Throw supporting the tour. Starting off the night, we had Young Culture, straight out of New York, who did a great job at getting the crowd warmed up for the night. The band released their third EP, (This Is) Heaven, earlier this year, on Equal Vision Records, playing songs off the EP like “21 Days,” “Pure Gold,” and “Drift.”

Next up we had Heart Attack Man, who were promoting their sophomore album Fake Blood, which dropped in April. To describe the band, it should be known that singer/guitarist Eric Egan is a force to reckon with. Heart Attack Man is the band you start blasting when you’re just absolutely fed up with the people around you. From the dramatic lighting to the dark lyrics and lively performance, it’s safe to say that this band absolutely slaps. As someone who walked into the show knowing next to nothing about the band, besides that they had just put out an album and the song “Cut My Losses” after the show I was walking out with their shirt in hand. 

Free Throw was next to take the stage. The band is based in Nashville, Tennessee and recently dropped their third album, What’s Past Is Prologue, at the end of March under Triple Crown Records. During their set, Free Throw touched on the effects of everyday drinking in their song “Randy, I Am The Liquor.” Though the title of the song is a reference to the TV show Trailer Park Boys, there is an underlying message of rather than trying to drown out your sorrows with depressants, like alcohol, try and reach out for help. Though reaching out for help in any situation involving mental health can be hard for some, know you’re not alone and it’s okay not to be okay.

Last but not least, Seaway took to the stage, kicking off their set with “Pleasures.” The band played a song by the name of “Alberta,” which is originally off of their 2014 EP release All In My Head but made the cut onto Fresh Produce, touches on a couple’s struggles to balance the relationship with their own personal goals. Personally, the song really resonated with me and hit a little close to home. Either way, Seaway put on an electrifying performance, playing songs from all eras. They even had Dan Lambton of Real Friends join the band during “Airhead.” Overall, the show was a lot of fun for me and my friends, besides getting elbowed in the head at one point in the show. It was a great show filled with animate performances and a vivacious crowd.  


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