This piece was originally featured in AM01 — Issue One of Ascribe. Click here to read it alongside the rest of the issue.

Your music has noticeably gotten more personal over time, and the titular track “Superstar” is no exception. What does that song mean to you?

It’s one of my favorite melodies I’ve written. It really sets the mood tonally and lyrically for the project I think. That’s why it’s first.

What was the biggest challenge of creating this EP?

I think the production. I pretty much wrote all of the songs before even thinking about chords, so there were so many different versions and styles to try.

Is there a moment on the EP that you’re excited for fans to hear?

The title track, “Superstar!” It opens with a voice memo of my niece sent me after she heard the song. It’s very sweet. 

How do you feel you’ve grown as an artist since your first EP Hope?

I think I’ve just aged quite a bit. I like different kinds of music, look at my process completely differently, write about different things, in different ways.

“Ain’t No Reason” is a standout track from Superstar, reminiscent of classic love songs. What inspired you to create this track?

Most of the songs I listen to are love songs. It’s a really fun game of how many different ways can the same thing be said. Some are more clever than others, I enjoy trying to crack my own version.

The artwork for this project is very distinct and meaningful. Can you tell us more about the significance behind them?

I worked really closely with a good friend/amazing artist, Noah Gallagher. We wanted to center the images around power imbalances between two figures, which is really what the theme of the whole project is.

Are you excited to perform these songs live? How do you think they’ll translate to the stage?

Yeah, I actually got the chance to perform the entire project at the show I did at the Teragram Ballroom in LA! It was amazing! Some of the most fun I’ve ever had in my entire life.

If you could work with any artist in the world for your next project, who would you collaborate with?

Anyone in the world? Hmm … Jon Brion?


  • Lexi Matuson

    Lexi is Ascribe's Managerial Assistant. She is a graduate of Drexel University and is currently based in Los Angeles, CA. She began photographing concerts in 2017 and has been doing so ever since, combining it with her knowledge of video to help artists create exciting content.

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