Fans are blown away by the release of “Double Dare 2019”— a re-recorded mashup of eight out of the 13 songs on Waterparks’ 2016 debut album, Double Dare. The almost nine and a half minute track starts off by mixing together the album’s opening track “Hawaii (Stay Awake)” with track nine, “Little Violence,” and ends with the album’s closing track, “I’ll Always Be Around.” 

Let’s take a look back at everything that goes on in this monster of a song. 

The track builds anticipation by starting off soft; a repeating version of the intro of “Hawaii (Stay Awake),” adding the chorus of “Little Violence” over it after a few seconds.

The intro builds up to an intense guitar-based instrumental, only to soften back into the re-recorded mix of the first verse and sonically hard-hitting chorus of “Dizzy.” The bridge of “Dizzy” then fades into the chorus of “Gloom Boys”—a part that sounds anything but gloomy. The instrumental slows for a second and then picks back up again for a reprise of “Little Violence.”

Next, the fast-paced and upbeat instrumental morphs seamlessly into a softer, almost stripped down version of the album’s poppiest track “Take Her to the Moon,” accompanied by backing vocals from the chorus of “Stupid For You.” This takes us into the chorus and bridge of “Royal,” a Waterparks classic.

And finally, after that sonic (and emotional) roller coaster of a mashup, we’re taken into the final piece of the track: a redone version of the chorus, bridge, and outro of Double Dare’s closing track, “I’ll Always Be Around.” With that, the song is over, and suddenly we’re pressing replay. 

“Double Dare 2019” brings to fans a new wave of fresh nostalgia, taking us all back to the first time we heard Double Dare, and allowing us to re-experience the entire album in a whole new light. Waterparks has managed to compress the 44 minute long album into less than 10 minutes and make it sound brand new, without failing to evoke all the emotions that Double Dare does when played in full. It’s an up and down adventure from start to finish, constantly pulling us through its intense twists and turns. Though some fan favorites like  “Plum Island” and “Made in America” were left out, the song makes up for it by putting its all into the eight tracks that were included. 

This track serves as a good summary of the album that started it all for Waterparks, and it’s definitely worth a listen! You can stream “Double Dare 2019” below.


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