Tall Heights is a Boston-based duo, consisting of Tim Harrington and Paul Wright. Their music can be described as indie pop with an essence of folk at its core. They’ve built themselves completely from the ground up, starting by playing on the streets and gathering anyone who would listen, to playing shows across the globe. Their hard work, dedication, and passion for music has brought them where they are today, and you can hear their passion through their songs. 

On December 4th, 2019, the duo released their newest single “Under Your Skin.” The song itself is a very laid back and simple track. It begins with a simple beat paired with a synth tune and clean, mystical vocals. It immediately sets a calm and relaxed tone. If you listen closely, you can hear Wright’s cello in the chorus, and that was one of my favorite parts of the song. It felt like every time I listened, I came across a new element instrumentally. 

The bridge was probably my favorite part, as they suddenly cut all instrumentals out and there is only a muted vocal riff in the background. It really ties it all together and further drives the ethereal and magical feel the song is trying to push. The guitar that brings you back to the last chorus is soft yet surprising, and launches you into the ending of the song. 

Overall, I really liked this track. The lyrics were simple yet relatable, and I think most people could relate to them. I especially liked, “You can’t understand the motion/All the pain and the hatred/When you’re breaking/We will get there somehow,” as it feels almost like the words of a friend or someone’s words to themselves. It’s a beautifully somber track, and its instrumentals really worked to its advantage. I could hear many different instruments, and if you listen closely, you’ll be able to discover things you didn’t on your first listen through. This song definitely deserves multiple listen throughs.

You can stream the track below.


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