“Miracle” by married duo Loud Forest, is their recently released single which covers the codependency and uncertainty of relationships, but also the  unrelenting need to preserve it. Before listening to this track, I had never heard of Loud Forest, however after the fact I can see why they are rising artists in the pop-rock genre. The song “Miracle” is one that not only touches on those *insecurities* that new (and sometimes old)  relationships can hold about longevity, but also all in all a fun song to listen to. Usually, love songs that are fast paced and easy to dance to can be rare in the current music industry, which makes this song stand out instrumental wise. 

The instrumental, upbeat and fast paced, actually reinforces the adrenaline feeling that is spoken of in the lyrics. Where the lyrics “love is a miracle // So don’t f*ck this up and now you wanna give up // it’s never enough?” act as the singers warning themselves about the rarity of love but also the difficulty of maintaining it.   

Overall, the song “Miracle” and the band who sings it, Loud Forest, are worth checking out! Between the groovy tunes and the deep lyrics you are bound to find something to bop to at the least and relate to at the most. 


  • Sydney Durst

    Sydney is a college student in Seattle, working towards her bachelors degree in journalism. When she's not listening to music or attending a local show, she's either hiking, hanging on the beach, or going on a road trip.

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