Ashton Irwin recently released “Skinny Skinny,” a single from his upcoming album Superbloom coming out October 23rd. You may recognize his name from his success as the drummer of 5 Seconds of Summer.

Although he is releasing this on his own, he has made it very clear he has no plans on leaving the band and is extremely happy he could explore this upcoming album as a side project of his own.

As I started my review, I had no idea what to expect from this track. Irwin definitely sets himself apart from the band. This is a sound I do not hear from 5SOS and I can say that upon first listen I thoroughly enjoy “Skinny Skinny”.

The guitar and instrumental as this song began blew away any expectations I had. Irwin has always been a fantastic vocalist, but this song shows you just how astounding his voice is. I have always heard the raspiness of his voice but to hear it in a song with this speed and calming effect truly blows me away. The melody of this song truly does have an impact on me. As the song progresses and we hear the guitar riff in the last minute drags me in even further.

As we wait in anticipation for the full release of SuperBloom I am excited. Ashton Irwin created this in isolation and created something so stunning I could not imagine his mindset as he went into this creative process, but I would love nothing more than to hear about it as this is a phenomenal single.

I honestly can’t wait to hear the rest of the album upon its release. You can stream “Skinny Skinny” below.


  • Kirsten Hyman

    Kirsten is located in Augusta, GA. She manages Ascribe’s social media, and loves discovering new music. In her spare time she likes to bake and post videos of her cats.

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