I had the privilege of catching up with a band called Breaking Even, a pop punk band out of New Jersey. They have an EP out called Sadder But Wiser, out on all streaming services! Take a listen for yourself and just maybe you’ll discover your new favorite band.

Who is who and what instrument do they play?

LJ Goity here to answer the questions! I play guitar and sing in Breaking Even. Justin Alpert plays guitar and sings as well. Andrew Ruggiero plays bass, and James Bucchieri plays drums.

How long have you been a musician, officially?

I’ve been a musician for about 10 or 11 years now, playing in Breaking Even and other groups for most of that time!

How long has Breaking Even been a band?

Breaking Even has been a band since around summer of 2009! That’s when the first few songs were written and we first got together to start practicing.

Is there a story behind ‘Breaking Even’ as a band name?

The name Breaking Even isn’t one we planned on keeping at first. We booked our first show with no name and when it came time to make a flyer for the show and someone asked what we were going to call ourselves, “Breaking Even” was the first thing that came out. We planned on changing it after the first show, but it just kind of stuck.

Where are you from?

Born in Staten Island, NY but I’ve lived in New Jersey most of my life!

How would you describe or categorize your music?

I would describe our music as catchy and energetic stuff that gets you moving! I think we have a song for whatever mood you’re in. And I would categorize us as pop punk/emo/alternative.

Do you have a favorite song?

My favorite song would have to be “Jude Law and a Semester Abroad” by Brand New. It still makes me feel the same way as the first time I heard it.

Do you have a favorite song to play live?

I love playing “Dead Weight” live! It’s such a fun song to play and jam to!

What is the biggest obstacle you’ve faced as a band?

The biggest obstacle we have faced as a band has definitely been keeping dedicated members. We have had a series of lineup changes over the years and that has definitely set us back quite a bit!

Do you feel that the current members are here to stay?

Thank you so much! It happens, but yes! The lineup is solid and definitely in it for the long haul.

Have you ever thought about covering songs from other artists?

Actually, yes! We have covered a ton of songs in the past! We actually have a special cover planned for our next live show!

Do you have a favorite cover that you’ve done?

Personally I loved when we used to cover “Jude Law and a Semester Abroad” by Brand New! Everyone always goes nuts during that song!

What would you say has changed about the music scene in your area since Breaking Even started?

The music scene has certainly gotten a bit more cliquey! It seems more like that now people will only come out to a show to see their friend’s bands and then leave. No one ever really just comes out to see everyone or comes to shows just to check out bands they’ve never heard. It’s a real shame.

Is there anything you feel is particular to the scene in NJ?

I feel like the NJ music scene is it’s thing in a sense that we’re state that you can play boardwalk shows at the beach during the summer, which is pretty cool. A huge majority of bands from inland parts of the country don’t really get to experience that unless they come out to the coasts so we’re kinda lucky!

Is there anything currently in the works for Breaking Even?

Actually, yes! We should have at least one more single out this summer that’s not available on Sadder But Wiser!

What is your next big goal?

Honestly, I think our next big goal is to get back in the studio and put out another EP for you guys before the end of the year! That would be super ideal for us!

What was the writing process like for Sadder But Wiser?

Long! We wrote 12 songs for that EP! We kept rewriting and working on them over and over for about 5 or 6 months until we chose the ones we liked the most and then we hit the studio!

What does music mean to you personally? (As a listener or a creator)

Music is such an open and free thing to me. Anyone can make any sounds they want with whatever they want and if THEY decide that is music to them, then it is. There’s no right or wrong in music. There’s only opinions. It’s beautiful.

I love listening to music. It can take you so far from where you are and you can interpret it in any way YOU want. Making music just lets me take people to where I am and how I’m feeling and I think that’s really special to be able to connect with people like that.

What is some advice you would give to people wanting to explore music as a musician?

I would tell anyone to confidently be themselves! Be you and write music you enjoy! Don’t write for other people’s consumption! Don’t think about what other people want to hear! Do it for you!

Fans don’t come overnight, but when people see you confidently doing you, they will recognize and appreciate that.

Again, I encourage you to listen to Sadder But Wiser whenever you can on all streaming services! A new single is being released this summer.


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