This piece was originally featured in AM01 — Issue One of Ascribe. Click here to read it alongside the rest of the issue.

What does your typical songwriting process look like?

Normally, I will create the rough chord structure of a song while on my own. I’ll get inspired by listening to music, humming to myself or just messing around on guitar or piano. Once I’ve spent time creating an adlib vocal melody that I like, I will dive into lyrics.

I start with a concept of the message that I am trying to convey and then essentially write a story with words that fit into the rhythm pattern. After that, it is shared with the band, everyone takes time to learn the song and write their parts. Then, we all come together and play the song, tweaking parts until we are all happy with the final song.

We’re all incredibly grateful to have live music back in our lives. What was that first show back like?

Our first show back was at our hometown venue and it was packed.

It felt crazy, like playing your first show ever in front of a big crowd. Hugely exciting for us to be back after what felt like forever.

What does your pre-show ritual look like?

It’s pretty simple. We soundcheck on stage, chill in the green room, grab food, warm up vocals/practice instrumentation, drink water, write out setlists, maybe have a beer and then play.

What track off your album were you most excited for fans to hear?

For Richard [Smith] and Piano [Whittman], they were most excited for people to hear “Disco Days” because it is a lot like the music they grew up listening to. Sam [Athanas] said he was most excited for “Paper Houses” because, well, simply put by Sam, “it slaps.”

I was always very excited for “Gasoline” because the lyrics were the most important to me out of any song on the album. Dylan [Savopoulos] was most excited for people to hear “Make You Make Believe,” because he tends to listen to more upbeat and energetic music.

Which track on Happy.Mad.Weird.Sad. do you feel resonates with you most?

Everyone generally feels that “Gasoline” resonates most with us because the overall message is relatable. If you haven’t listened yet, definitely do, and check out the lyrics as well! Hopefully, you’ll feel that connection as well.

Were there any artists that you felt inspired by during the creation of the album?

Oh man! So many, but just to name a few, it’d have to be: David Bowie, Portugal, the Man,

Mother Mother, Queens Of The Stone Age, Manchester Orchestra, The Killers, etc.

What’s one thing that you want fans to take away from this record?

This album has such a range of emotions and we want folks to feel those emotions in the way that we did writing and making the album. You’re gonna get hints of happy, mad, weird and sad. 

You can listen to “Happy.Mad.Weird.Sad” here:


  • Lexi Matuson

    Lexi is Ascribe's Managerial Assistant. She is a graduate of Drexel University and is currently based in Los Angeles, CA. She began photographing concerts in 2017 and has been doing so ever since, combining it with her knowledge of video to help artists create exciting content.

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