This piece was originally featured in AM01 — Issue One of Ascribe. Click here to read it alongside the rest of the issue.

Crazy Life has been out for a few weeks now. Congratulations! Has the reception exceeded your expectations?

Thank you ! I think its been really good so far. I’m so excited that the album is out. It’s been such a long time; this album has been a complicated process. My vision was to mix both Lovers and Dream Girl — take their strengths and blend them together. Make an Anna 3.0 and I feel like a lot of people are complimenting just that.

What’s your favorite thing you’ve seen people say about the album?

When you’ve been working on something for so long, its nice to hear that people understand the vision — that they hear the story from A to B.

You have said in the past that your music is always about love, and that is evident in Crazy Life. Can you speak on how your own experiences with such an important part of life specifically inspired the songs on Crazy Life?

As cliche as it is, COVID-19 was a big part of everyone’s life, also mine. There was a lot of down time to think and process. These songs are definitely more inspired by my inner thoughts and feelings than ever before.

The album starts with “Bird Sing” which, of course, begins with chirping birds. This is

an awesome way to start an album! What was the intention behind this choice?

“Bird Sing” is one of my fave tunes. I wanted to create that moment when you wake up in the morning, when all is set to be a perfect sunny day — but then you remember you have feelings. It also felt really right. An album that starts in morning, and ends late at night. Like my videos. It’s never ending.

How did this album take you out of your comfort zone lyrically and musically?

I guess I kinda answered this … I’m opening up more then ever before. Talking about stuff that seems quite small if you don’t listen, but if you take the time to hear the lyrics, there are a lot of stories there. A lot of feelings, hurt and happiness.

We poked around on! There’s a lot of fun, interactive easter eggs. What’s your favorite item on it? Do you see yourself doing something else like that again in the future?

Yes! So glad you did, I love it so much. I do feel like it’s its own little place where you can escape the world for a bit.

I would definitely do it again. And who knows — maybe we’ll update it as time goes by. I love the fact that you can listen to music there while just exploring. 

You can listen to “Crazy Life” here:


  • Ally Rose

    Ally Rose is a Full Sail graduate, who is currently located in Charlotte. Her focus is in writing but she has a new found love of photography. If she's not at a show, she's reading a good book and drinking boba.

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