Indie band Cherry Pools released their second single since their debut EP Less Religion More Sex, which was released two years ago. The song, “Turn You On,” covers the topic of pining after someone who is a “real-life fantasy” and going through great lengths to find out how to obtain this person. 

Before listening to “Turn You On” by Cherry Pools, I had only heard of the band in passing over the years. Curious as to why the name has remained a constant on music circles and in person, I gave their newest single a listen. Which is why I now completely understand. The poppy melody carries well for the summer season and sounds fresh from their other songs — I may or may not have gone on a deep Cherry Pools music dive. 

What was also enjoyable about the song was the “retro” vibe that it had, that I feel like is becoming a cool trend in today’s music. Other artists like Dua Lipa, Paramore, and The Weeknd, have had releases that borrow heavily from the 80s era. While Cherry Pools’ “Turn You On” isn’t straight from the 1980s, it does carry the fun and danceability that songs from the 80s were known for. 

“Turn You On” makes me excited for the next phase of Cherry Pools and what other music they plan to release later on. They certainly have a new fan in the making and I hope other people, fans or future fans, turn an eye (and ear) to this newest summer bop.  

You can stream “Turn You On” below.


  • Sydney Durst

    Sydney is a college student in Seattle, working towards her bachelors degree in journalism. When she's not listening to music or attending a local show, she's either hiking, hanging on the beach, or going on a road trip.

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