There’s always something refreshing about discovering an artist with a fresh, unique take on their genre. Singer/songwriter Joel Christian has been able to take pop music, but twist it into something entirely his own through electronic elements and dark, mysterious, horror aesthetics. He’s not afraid to be influenced by the music he’s into, but he’s even less afraid of influencing the genre right back.

Joel Christian’s fearless, confident take on his aesthetic and music is part of what draws people to what he creates. His passion for everything he does comes through when speaking to him, as well. We had the chance to talk with Joel about what inspires him to create, which artists he looks up to, and what’s next for him.

If you weren’t a musician what would you be doing right now? 

“I would probably be doing what I was doing while I was making music — which was fashion styling and creative directing. Always being on set making sure the photo shoots and campaign looks perfect.”

If you could have someone take one message from your music what would it be? 

“I would love for them to take away to always be yourself and never change. I always told myself that I would stay true to who I am as a person and artist. I think being YOU is the most powerful message you can share.”

What’s a dream tour lineup you’d like to be part of? 

“I would love to go on tour with just a bunch of pop stars and have a party in every city. Maybe go on tour with like a big pop star — like Dua Lipa. Feel like we would have a lot of fun together!”

Photos by Sergio Necoechea. Makeup by Megan Sutherland.

Can you describe your recording or writing process? Is there anything in particular that inspires you or puts you in the right mindset for creating? 

“My writing is a huge part of me as an artist. Every song I’ve released, I’ve written. I spend a lot of time on my lyrics, melodies, and digging deep into my imagination. Everything inspires — I could hear a word and be like ‘that would be a cool title’ or I would feel an emotion and start writing lyrics. It just depends on the energy in my life. I love being in the studio, headphones in, on my computer, and just get lost in my imagination.”

What is it about dark pop that draws you toward it? 

“I’ve always been a huge fan of horror films. There’s something about them that sparks my creativity. A lot of scary films are so imaginative and creative. I wanted to bring that dark energy and creativity into my music. I love pop music cause it can be anything. I want my music to sound different and stand out. The ‘dark pop’ title or reference came from fans. My visuals have an edgy and dark attitude to them. I like my artistry to be different and mysterious.”

You’re based in LA. Is there any advice to give to someone who wants to follow in your footsteps and thrive there?

“I would say work hard and listen to your peers. I pushed myself so hard as a creative and at the end of the day, you must love yourself and love others. Never act like your better and you can learn from everyone you meet.”

Apart from David Bowie and Marlyn Manson, is there anyone you look up to for your music and your overall aesthetic?

“I love artists who have a persona and create an iconic visual for the audience to enjoy. I love Prince, Boy George, Madonna, Lady Gaga, My Chemical Romance and so many more! I just love artists that are passionate about their art and were fearless in being different!”

Photos by Sergio Necoechea. Makeup by Megan Sutherland.

“GEMINI” has been received super well! How does it feel to have your work be so well received?

“I’m so excited! I actually would wake up everyday and check every platform and see what was happening! I was so nervous to release the song but to see the videos, photos, and articles written about the record is so FUN! I’m just proud and can’t wait to keep going.”

What inspired you to become a musician? 

“I just love pop culture so much. Everything about it is so interesting and addicting to me. I’m just an artist and creative at the end of the day. Being a musician allows me to showcase my sound, my visuals, and me as a person. I just love the way music can change lives.”

What can we expect from you next?

“Wow! I’m working on so many things right now. I’ve been in the studio for the last 6 months. I just finished my new single, ‘RISE FROM THE GRAVE.’ It’s a fast-paced 80’s inspired record. It will launch in February and then finish my EP!”

It’s safe to say that Joel Christian is an artist you need to keep on your radar. His artistry is a force to be reckoned with, and it’s only the beginning for him.

You can stream his music below.


  • Kirsten Hyman

    Kirsten is located in Augusta, GA. She manages Ascribe’s social media, and loves discovering new music. In her spare time she likes to bake and post videos of her cats.

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