Philly-based indie rock group The Bad Bees released their EP The Time It Takes this fall. We had the opportunity to discuss the recording process of the EP with them, as well as their influences and hopes for the next chapter of the band.

Can you introduce yourself to our readers?

“Hello! My name is Jake. I’m the lead singer of the band, and I know where they invented the boost slushie.”

The Time It Takes was released not long ago, what was the writing and recording process like?

“The Time It Takes took a long time when it was all said and done. I think thats why we landed on that title. But it was a really great experience; we got to track the songs at Black Bird studios in Nashville. The whole process was very much thought out this time around, and we were very careful and made it a point to not rush the songs. At the end of the day, though, it was a little longer than expected. We’re all really happy with how the EP shaped up. Tell us what you think!”

Your last EP was released in 2016; what does The Time It Takes mean for the next chapter for The Bad Bees?

“We’d like to think that with each new release, we’re sharping our abilities a bit more and more, so this is just another stepping stone. Where we are right now, and hopefully the next time, it’ll be just a bit more well-done than the next.”

What was your favorite part of recording this new EP?

“We had a ton of fun during the mixing process. We sound-proofed a room here in Jersey, and had two really great friends of ours travel to meet us and help with the process. It was mostly up to them, so we got to be flies on the wall and watch two really great mixing engineers work together on the tracks. All we had to do was make sure there was a constant supply of food and coffee.”

You’re really in touch with your local music scene; what does being part of the Philly scene mean to you?

“Philly is a great city; you really have to have your chops together to stand out. The city certainly has a reputation of being a little rough around the edges and we’re proud to brandish that. Go birds!”

Did you have any specific influences or inspirations for The Time It Takes?

“I really got into Fleet Foxes over the years. I love how they use multiple voices to create this overwhelming wall of sound, so I naturally started trying to do the same with our music.”

If listeners could take away one thing from The Time It Takes, what would you want it to be?

“Keep on trucking, seriously.”

Who are some artists you look up to?

“You know, I heard that the guy from Tame Impala writes all of his own music. I always admired that; how could one man be so damn creative?”

What does The Time It Takes mean to you?

The Time It Takes was a written response to my life at the time. An emotional snapshot in time.”

If you could tour with anyone in the world, who would it be?

“We’ve all always shared a mutual love for the group Mastodon. They just seem like a bunch of really cool, funny dudes who absolulely rip it. That would be a lot of fun.”

You can stream The Time It Takes below.


  • Caitlyn McGonigal

    Caitlyn is Ascribe's founder and Editor-in-Chief. She is a graduate of Drexel University, and is currently located in Orlando where she works as a music photographer locally. She can be found at her local indie show or streaming on Twitch.

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