Photo by Shervin Lainez.

Singer-songwriter Julia Bhatt just released her newest single “Marco”. We had a chance to talk with her about the release, how she goes about writing her songs, and her plans for the future.

How does it feel releasing “Marco” compared to “Tall”? 

Definitely different. I was so excited to release “Tall” more so because it was my first “real” song, but “Marco” feels like more of a chill release. From now on, I just want to put out music, and hopefully people will enjoy, but it doesn’t hold as much weight as “Tall” did. 

How has the reception to “Marco” been so far?

Pretty good so far 🙂

Is the recording process different from what you thought it would be? 

Not really. It’s usually me and my producer Elliot doing takes and brainstorming. I swear a lot. That was also expected, though. 

What was the inspiration behind “Marco”?

Some bad experiences with a guy. We’re good now, but the feeling of being ignored is still a relatable and ever present issue in life, especially with social media and “ghosting” and shit like that. It’s a little rant. 

You’ve stated publicly that you have multiple songs already written. How do you approach songwriting with each new song?

Depends, really. Sometimes I’m feeling something particularly strongly and it’ll just come out. It’s spontaneous more often than not. Usually when I try to write, it feels wrong. 

Your musical influences range from Jazz to R&B, which is amazing! However, do you find yourself leaning into a favorite genre when creating music? 

I guess “alternative” only because I like to combine a bunch of stuff, but still keep that kind of edgy vibe, if you will. 

How has your building music career affected your day to day life, especially when it comes to school? 

It doesn’t, really. I take trips to work on music with Elliot in New York, so all I do in Miami is write stuff when I can think of it and perform sometimes. I still just hang out with my friends 90% of the time. 

Are you planning to release several singles for now, or is an album in the works? 

I think I’m going with the singles route, but hopefully I’ll have an album out within the next year or so. 

Where do you see yourself musically by this time next year? 

Hopefully I’ll have a full album out by this time next year. Other than that, I really have no clue. 

What is your dream tour lineup?

The Strokes, San Cisco, Two Door Cinema Club, Harry Styles, and Chastity Belt

Any new music that you’re looking forward to? Yours or someone else’s! 

My father and sister and I are all very excited for the new Harry Styles music. Very.

You can stream Julia’s newest single, “Marco,” below.


  • Sydney Durst

    Sydney is a college student in Seattle, working towards her bachelors degree in journalism. When she's not listening to music or attending a local show, she's either hiking, hanging on the beach, or going on a road trip.

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