Alabama-based Metalcore heavy hitters Gideon are back with their fifth full-length album Out of Control. This is the band’s second release for 2019, as they released a two-song EP titled No Love/No One in January.

The album starts with the track “Welcome To S Town”.  This track is short and quick, and there are no lyrics to it or even music; just a lot of background noises sound as if a person is getting out of a car. This was a really different track to start off the album.

From the start, the track “Take Me” is incredibly hard-hitting, with the catchy guitar riffs making it nearly impossible not to move around. The build-up to the breakdown is some of Gideon’s most exceptional work. With lyrics such as “cut me deep so I can feel you move.” Instrumentally, this song is structured in a way and flows so smoothly that it creates the perfect listening experience.

My favorite track on the album has to be “2 Close (feat. Drew York)”. It is an almost nu-metal style song, which is different than most of the other tracks on the album as it mixes up the style pace of all songs collectively. Guest vocalist Drew York from Stray From The Path, adds significant value to the song as his signature style of vocals creates something different and new.

“Southwind” starts with a softer beat but quickly comes in hard with a faster-paced tempo that is more Gideon’s sound. With a catchy chorus, you will find yourself singing along to this one after only a few listens. Vocalist Daniel McWhorter shines through in this piece keeping up with the fast tempo of the song, particularly throughout the breakdown.

“Outlaw” is another stand-out track on this album; the fast pace of the instrumentals is refreshing. The drums and guitar riffs blend incredibly well together throughout the whole track but particularly throughout the breakdown.

The song “Life Without” keeps up with the fast tempo as the intro starts slow but quickly gathers momentum. “Denial” takes a different, even faster pace. With arguably the heaviest breakdown on the album, this song is almost guaranteed to keep diehard fans of the band’s happy. The drums on this track are phenomenal; its timing and structure are second to none. 

Overall, Gideon killed it with this album. They continue to produce a unique sound that a lot of people can’t get enough of. Gideon has done a fantastic job of recreating themselves to fit their newfound direction and beliefs.

While Out of Control may not be anything that we haven’t heard in some shape or form before, it is definitely a new chapter for Gideon. They may be angry, and it may bleed through the music, but they’ve also found new resolve, and that’s to be respected. This album begins an entirely new chapter for the group, and I can’t wait to see what they do next.


  • TJ Hayes

    TJ is a writer based in the South Suburbs of Chicago. They live for concerts, and you can always find them at a local music venue catching a show.

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