
Show Review: Invent Animate – Chicago, 10/11 | Avondale Music Hall

Invent Animate never ceases to amaze me every time that I see them. Their infectious lyrics and melodies always find a way to make me feel lighter than I was before I walked into their show. This tour feels extremely special, not only because of the mind blowing lineup, but the energy each band brings. If you are able to see a show on this tour, you will not be disappointed.

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Interview: A Conversation with Kevin Martin of Candlebox

We wanted it to be a record that people remember us by, and I dare say it’s better than our first album, you know, that’s left for other people to decide, but it’s just one of those records that I’m so proud of. And when you know that you’re making your last record and you don’t have to prove anything to anyone, it’s really easy to write music. We just knew we wanted to make a record to push the boundaries of what Candlebox is known for, and that’s what we did.

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